HP 9000 nPartition Management
1.Creating a Npar
1.1 Creating a Genesis Partition
This command allows you to change the complex profile.
WARNING: You must shut down all Protection Domains before executing
this command.
G - Genesis Complex Profile
L - Last Complex Profile
Select Profile: g
Enter Cabinet number: 0
Enter Slot number: 0
Do you want to modify the complex profile? (Y/[N]) y
-> The complex profile will be modified.
1.2 Boot Partition
1.2.1 Boot Step
1) Reset or Power On
2) Cell Self-Tests
3) Partition Rendezvous
4) BCH Interface *10 sec interrupt, press any key enter BCH
5) ISL *If select "Y" enter ISL command line.
6) hpux Loader
7) vmunix Kernel
8) HP-UX Log-in
1.2.2 Boot Inactive Partition
This command boots the selected partition.
# Name
--- ----
0) jules00
1) jules01
Select a partition number: 0
Do you want to boot partition number 0? (Y/[N]) y
-> The selected partition will be booted.
2. Creating a New nPartition
When using the parcreate command, do not specify the -B option for
this procedure.
(The -B option causes parcreate to immediately boot the newly created
partition past the default ready for reconfig state, thus making the
nPartition active and preventing you from further modifying it.)
By not specifying -B, the new partition can be further modified because it
will remain inactive at a ready for reconfig state (until you boot it using
the service processor Command menu's BO command).
If creating a single-cell nPartition, just use one -c option.
To create a multiple-cell nPartition, you should specify the -c option
multiple times (once for each cell) issuing a single command line.
# parcreate -c4:base:y:ri -c6:base:y:ri
Partition Created. The partition number is : 1
The parcreate command's -c option is as follows:
-c cell:[cell_type]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage]
This option specifies the cell ID (cell) to be assigned to the partition.
• The only valid cell_type value is: base (base cell, the default).
• The valid use_on_next_boot values for cells are:
y Participate in reboot (the default).
n Do not participate in reboot.
• The only valid failure_usage value is: ri (reactivate with interleave,
the default).
3. Modify a nPartition
3.1 Use the parmodify command to modify the new nPartition's
configuration and set the partition name (-P), boot paths (-b, -s, and
-t), and any core cell choices (-r).
When using the parmodify command you must use the -p# option to
specify the partition number for the nPartition.
# parmodify -p1 -P "hostname05"
Command succeeded.
# parmodify -p1 -r0/4 -r0/6
Command succeeded.
# parmodify -p1 -b 4/0/1/0/0.9
Command succeeded.
3.2 Modify the nPartition by issuing the parmodify -p# -a#... command
to add the cell.
The -p# option specifies the partition number (#) for the nPartition being
The -a cell:type:use:fail option specifies the cell ID and other details
for the cell to be added to the nPartition.
To add multiple cells you can specify the -a option multiple times in the
same command.
For example:
#parmodify -p1 -a0:base:y:ri -a2:base:y:ri
adds twocells (cell ID 0 and cell ID 2) to nPartition number 1.
The -a option (-a cell:type:use:fail) specifies the following details
for each cell that you add to the nPartition.
cell The cell to be added to the nPartition. You can
specify the cell in global (cell) format or in hardware
location (cabinet/slot) format.
type The cell type: base is the only supported cell type
and it is the default.
use The cell's use-on-next-boot value: y or n. Use y (the
default) if the cell is to be an active member of the
partition, or use n if the cell is to remain an inactive
fail The cell's failure usage: ri (reactivate with
interleave) is the only supported failure usage
policy and it is the default.
You can optionally specify the parmodify command's -B option to require
that the modified partition be rebooted.
4. Partition status command.
4.1 Use the parstatus -AC command to list all unassigned (available) cells
in the server complex.
# parstatus -AC
4.2 Use the parstatus -V -p# command to list all details about your
newly created and configured partition.
# parstatus -V -p1
5. Getting Product Licensing Information
• Unique Machine (Complex) Identifier
• Unique nPartition Identifier
• Machine (Complex) Serial Number
#parstatus -X
• Server (Complex) Product Number
#parstatus -X
• Hardware (Complex) Model String
• HP-UX Version and Installed Bundles
For the HP-UX version:
#uname -r
HP System Partitions Guide
Administration for nPartitions
Revised Third Edition
Revision 3.1